
How to Dodge Matches in Valorant

Sep 28, 2023
How to dodge matches in valorant

In the competitive world of VALORANT, every match counts. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, there may come a time when you find yourself considering the option to dodge a VALORANT match. However, before you decide to take that step, it's crucial to understand the ins and outs of dodging and the potential consequences that may follow.

Two Dodging Methods

There are two primary methods for dodging a VALORANT match:

Consequences of Dodging

While dodging a VALORANT match can provide a quick exit when necessary, it's essential to be aware of the potential consequences:

AFK Warning

One of the most common penalties for dodging is receiving an AFK (Away from the Keyboard) warning. This warning typically appears as a pop-up after the conclusion of your match. Repeated instances of going AFK or frequently leaving matches may lead to more severe penalties.

No XP Gain

Continuously dodging matches or going AFK can result in a loss of XP gain for a significant period. This serves as a strong deterrent to discourage players from disrupting the VALORANT experience for others.

Ranked Rating (RR) Reduction

Your Ranked Rating can be adversely affected by dodging matches or frequently going AFK. This reduction in RR can impact the quality of your future matches, making it important to stay committed to games you join.

Disabled from Queue

When loss of XP or a decrease in Ranked Rating fails to discourage dodging behavior, players may face restrictions that prevent them from participating in the matchmaking queue. This ensures that they cannot join matches with the intent to leave them.

Ranked Ban

A Ranked ban is often a precursor to more severe consequences. It removes players from the competitive queue for ranked matches, typically for a period of seven days. This measure aims to maintain the integrity of ranked games and prevent disruptive behavior.

Game Ban

The harshest penalty for dodging is a game ban, which involves temporarily banning the player's account from the game. Game bans are typically imposed after multiple warnings and infractions. The initial ban duration is usually seven days, but it may vary based on the number of previous violations.


In the competitive world of VALORANT, dodging a match should be a last resort. While there are valid reasons for needing to exit a game, it's crucial to do so with consideration for your fellow players and an awareness of the potential consequences. AFK warnings, XP loss, Ranked Rating reductions, queue disabilities, ranked bans, and game bans are all possible outcomes of dodging. By understanding these consequences, players can make informed decisions and contribute to a positive gaming experience for everyone.

Your Ranked Rating can be adversely affected by dodging matches or frequently going AFK. This reduction in RR can impact the quality of your future matches, making it important to stay committed to games you join.